Jenkins + Github Web Hook

Jenkins + Github Web Hook

  1. Jenkins
    1. k8s jenkins
    2. ngrok


k8s jenkins

  1. Find a jenkins pod w/ k8s pod, jenkins namespace
kubectl get pod -n jenkins

NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
jenkins-6846f7864d-s92t8   1/1     Running   1 (22m ago)   41m
  1. Login to jenkins pod
kubectl -n jenkins exec -it jenkins-6846f7864d-s92t8 -- /bin/bash
  1. create a ssh key-pair (privae, public)
jenkins@jenkins-6846f7864d-s92t8:/$ cd /var/jenkins_home
jenkins@jenkins-6846f7864d-s92t8:~$ mkdir .ssh
jenkins@jenkins-6846f7864d-s92t8:.ssh$ cd .ssh
jenkins@jenkins-6846f7864d-s92t8:.ssh$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C test-key -f github_jenkins
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in github_jenkins
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:NJmTn59EOKF/7oLbcUqh1PCJUZ2f82tGL4t7bT8JEKg test-key
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|          +. .   |
|         B +o    |
|        % o o. . |
|       E @ *  +  |
|        S O +  o |
|       . . * o ..|
|        ..o = o.+|
|        .o.= .o*+|
|        ..o.+o+++|

jenkins@jenkins-6846f7864d-s92t8:~/.ssh$ ls
  1. Register SSH key (public key) to Github Repositories

    • Goto github repositories (
    • Settings > General/Security/Deploy keys => [Add deploy key]
    • Deploy keys/Add new => Title: github_jenkins, Key: (cat => [Add key]
  2. Register SSH key (private key) to Jenkins Credentials

    • Goto Jenkins dashboard (ex:
    • Dashboard > + New Item => New Item / Name: github_jenkins Type: Freestyle project
    • Dashboard > Name: github_jenkins => Source code management => Git/Repository URL:, Credentials/ Add: Jenkins => Kind: SSH Username with private key, Username: github_jenkins, Private key/Enterdirectly: (cat github_jenkins) => [Add]
  3. Build Trigger

    • Build Trigger / [v] Github hook trigger for GITScm polling
  4. Plugin Installation

    • Jenkins Management > Plugins > Available plugins > GitHub Integration Plugin : Install
  5. Ngrok Installation (optional: localhost)

choco install ngrok
ngrok config add-authtoken 46WbJVNrQ1pdq1mkbHAxT_ (API secret)
ngrok http 4377

Forwarding -> http://localhost:4377            
  1. Setting for Github Repository Webhook

    • Goto github repositories (
    • Settings > General/Code and automation/Webhooks => Payload URL:, Conntent type: application/json, [v] Just the push event, [v] Active => []Update webhook]


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